Friday, May 15, 2020

Human Development Index ( Hdi ) - 2211 Words

After market reforms where announced in the late 1970s by Deng Xiaoping (paramount leader), China has been among the most rapidly growing economies in the world. Although having serious natural resource scarcity this growth has been speared headed through 80% of china’s exports are manufactured goods making china heavily dependant on international markets (export-led) . The Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDP) of china in 1962 was at record lows of 130.14 USD, since market reforms, China regularly exceeding 10% GDP growth annually (figure 1) and was last recorded at 6416.18 US dollars in 2015 . Gross national income (GNI) is the total income received by all households, including that earned in foreign countries. China is ranked 113th in 2013 in the world having an $11,850PPP and although GNI does not measure economic development it is used to measure the ability to buy goods and services . Human development index (HDI) is a composite indicator measurement based on life expediency, education and standard of living GDP, chia in ranked 101st in the world . This growth has led to an increase in the standard of living and a decline in poverty. As differences in the cost of living across the world evolve so does the poverty line. Since 2008, the last update, the poverty line has increased $0.25c to $1.25. As of October 2015, the line has further increased $0.65c to $1.90 . Therefor, between 1981 and 2008, the amount of China s population living on less than $1.25/day isShow MoreRelatedThe Human Development Index ( Hdi )922 Words   |  4 PagesThe Human Development Index (HDI) does a pronounced disservice to India. India, a country that, through economic miracles and perseverance, has risen from the ranks of the poorest in the world to a middle-income country in the span of only a few decades. The HDI Report, which is not universally applicable and applies too much weight in certain areas, makes certain countries look better than they should or, in India’s case, artificially lower its ranking among the world. So, although skewed, whatRead MoreThe Human Development Index ( Hdi )2217 Words   |  9 Pagescontributing to restrained development. This trend became a prominent characteristic during the medieval age in Europe as the feudal system created strong autocrats who treated the poor with scorn and disrespect, and now it is has continued into today’s society (Davis). One of the most notable locations of this trend is Haiti. With staggering poverty rates and deplorable health standards, Haiti has the lowest development rate in the Western Hemisphere (The Haitian People). Haiti’s development is verified byRead MoreThe Inequality Index And Human Development Index ( Hdi ) Between The Two Countries : Brazil And Turkey Essay833 Words   |  4 Pagesmight struggle for development. Thus, development is not an easy thing to achieve. Factors such as production levels, inequality and corruption contribute to the country’s human development index. Gender inequality is one of the factors that may lower a country’s human development index, because the inequality creates implications on the development for a country. This essay will contrast and evaluate the ranks of gender inequality index (GII) and human development index (HDI) between the two countries:Read MoreGlobalization And The Human Development Index ( Hdi )1847 Words   |  8 Pagessocioeconomic, political and environmental developments. The components of globalization include GDP, industrialization and the Human Development Index (HDI). The GDP is the  market value  of all fin ished goods and services produced within a country s borders in a year, and serves as a measure of a country s overall economic output.  Industrialization  is a process which, driven by technological innovation, effectuates social change and economic development by transforming a country into a modernizedRead MoreThe Human Development Index ( Hdi ) And The Gdp Per Capita1607 Words   |  7 PagesFor my Mathematical Studies Internal Assessment, I will be studying the relationship between the Human Development Index (HDI) and the GDP per capita (nominal) of various countries. To achieve this task, I will perform the following steps: Collect data regarding HDI and nominal GDP per capita for each country from reliable websites to use in the study. Organize the data collected into a table in an easy to read manner by using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Calculate the correlation coefficientRead MoreGross Domestic Product (Gdp) Is an Inadequate Measure of Societal Well-Being and Should Be Replaced by the Human Development Index (Hdi)2743 Words   |  11 Pagesinadequate measure of societal well-being and should be replaced by the Human Development Index (HDI) Abstract This paper will discuss the anomally of Human Development Index (HDI) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In this discussion I will argue for HDI as a fairer comparison of a country’s overall economic wealth health and social well-being rather than the generally accepted method used by most countries of GDP. HDI allows for a more comprehensive understanding of well-being than purely economicRead MoreBrandt Line Assessment Final Essay1085 Words   |  5 Pagesworld by using updated data. One of the indicators that I decided to use is the HDI (human development index), which provides a complex measure of three dimensions of human development: a healthy life and longevity which is measured by life expectancy, being educated; measured by adult literacy and enrolment at the primary, secondary and tertiary level and having a decent standard; measured by Gross National Income (GNI)2. HDI is clearly one of the best indicators to use since it takes into account threeRead MoreHuman Devel opment,Family and Society Essay1650 Words   |  7 PagesHUMAN DEVELOPMENT, FAMILY AND SOCIETY Author: S.Aswathi – I MBA SSM School of Management, Komarapalayam. Co-Author: A.Pravinth – I MBA SSM School of Management, Komarapalayam. ABSTRACT This paper gives an overview of Human development, family and society from three angles via., biology, psychology and humanity. In biological terms, this entails growth from a one-celled zygote to an adult human being. Whereas in terms of psychology, it refers to the gradual accumulation of knowledge and is theRead MoreHuman Development Index1635 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic used to rank countries by level of human development and separate very high human development, high human development, medium human development, and low human development countries. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide. It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare. It is used toRead MoreHuman Development Index1601 Words   |  6 Pages The critical difference between most development models and the human development index is that most development models only focus on income while the human development index includes the enlargement of all human choices – economic, political, social and cultural which all affect income. Comparing countries’ Gross National Product/Gross Domestic Product per capita is the most common way of measuring the level of development today. This model of economic growth assessment is based on a weak foundation

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